Sunday, June 1, 2008

The first step.

I'm not typically the type to be into bloging, but after a brief google blog search brought me to a very, very unfruitful find of the kind of information I was looking for, it seemed to me, that if I couldn't find anyone to listen to, that it was time to talk. Perhaps my writings can be of some succor to those who are just beginning the search for their own journey. Of course anyone beginning a time of change may find essays on the topic of journeying helpful, my own voyage has a very specific nature.

My name is Kelvin, or just Kel for short. I'm 25, work in customer service, and have a degree in German that it's very unlikely I'll ever use in any practical sense. I'm a pretty average guy, I like hockey and baseball, Hooters and steakhouses, swords and martial arts. I'm a bit of a charmer, chicks tend to like me well enough. I have a dog, a cat, a brother and sister and both parents still living. The only thing that makes me any different from most guys, is that I wasn't born a guy. I have breasts and lack a dick. Transsexual is the most commonly used term. Dragking sometimes. Unfortunately, the search that I did for blogs about transsexualism, brought up mostly porno sites. Which is dandy if you're looking for porno. But rather frustrating if you're looking for information, experiences and so forth. And so, I write.

I am entirely pre-SRS (sex reassignment surgery), and have taken no hormones or any such thing to form my body into something more masculine. Because of my short hair, or manner of dress, I get the occasional and greatly appreciated "sir" from time to time, but for the most part, looking at me or hearing my voice tends to reveal that I am in fact female. So we are very much at the beginning of my journey, which I am inviting you to take with me. Hopefully the documentation of this path will be of help to someone out there, and perhaps even a little therapeutic for me.

I'm including a picture of myself here, something I tend to avoid in the virtual world, with the hopes that seeing my progression might be of some assistance to those trying to sort out their own path. So here, as macho as I can currently muster, is me:
Note the lack of smile. One tends to try and look serious when trying to look manly, because of the perceived need to over compensate. A frown enables one to clench the jaw, giving it a more squared off appearance. I am confident that time, with the effects of weight lifting, and someday testosterone, will free me of the need to do so.

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